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Selenium WebDriver With Java
Promo Overview Video (5:23)
About the Instructor: Alan Richardson (4:27)
Welcome Message (0:52)
Aims of this course (1:43)
Overview Of Selenium (4:23)
Ask A Question
Last Updated 20200430
Getting Started Overview
About The Tools (5:39)
FAQ: What Versions Should I Install
About the Applications under test (4:00)
Installing Java, Maven and IntelliJ - Getting Started Overview
Homebrew and Chocolatey Overview (2:05)
startUsingJavaJunit GitHub Project Overview (1:26)
Windows Install Java, Maven and IntelliJ using Chocolatey (12:55)
Mac Install Java, Maven and IntelliJ using Homebrew (9:46)
Overview of Driver Installs
Overview of Driver Installs (1:47)
Overview of startUsingSeleniumWebDriver Github Project (1:08)
Windows - Install WebDriver on Windows And Run Your First Test
Install ChromeDriver using Chocolatey (2:03)
Install GeckoDriver using Chocolatey (2:26)
Open startUsingSeleniumWebDriver project in IntelliJ and run the tests (Windows) (6:51)
Mac - Install WebDriver on Mac And Run Your First Test
Install ChromeDriver using Homebrew (1:26)
Install GeckoDriver using Homebrew (0:52)
SafariDriver is already installed on Mac (0:45)
Open startUsingSeleniumWebDriver project in IntelliJ and run the tests (Mac) (3:44)
Legacy Getting Started - Install on Windows
Install Java JDK, Maven and IntelliJ (7:09)
Install IntelliJ (3:25)
Download the `startUsingSeleniumWebDriver` project (2:03)
Install Firefox and Marionette GeckoDriver (4:31)
Install Chrome and ChromeDriver (2:52)
Run WebDriver Test From The IntelliJ IDE (2:42)
Legacy Getting Started - Install on Mac
Tip - how to right click in Finder to open folder in a terminal (1:06)
Install Java JDK, and Maven on Mac using Homebrew (2:47)
Install IntelliJ Community Edition on Mac (2:19)
Download the `startUsingSeleniumWebDriver` project and install Firefox and driver (4:46)
Install Chrome and ChromeDriver (1:52)
Run WebDriver Test From The IntelliJ IDE (1:08)
Logistics and Access to Course Materials and Source Code
Course Slides
Source Code for Examples - amended 20200220
Selenium Webdriver Java API Summary Cheatsheets
How to Fix Java Language Level Errors (3:14)
Selenium 3.0
Current Status of the course and Selenium 3
How to upgrade to Selenium 3 (only for pre version 3 students) (5:24)
Selenium 4.0
Selenium 4 Information
Create a Project
Intro To Maven (1:49)
Create A Project, the easy way, with IntelliJ (7:33)
How to add and update version of Selenium WebDriver Dependency (1:46)
Summary Of Why Maven (1:26)
Maven Troubleshooting, Tips and FAQs
Maven Troubleshooting Downloads (7:31)
Maven Troubleshooting Proxies and Download Cache Issues (4:47)
Opening and Importing Maven Projects with IntelliJ
Manage IntelliJ Project Folder Files (2:07)
Import pom.xml into IntelliJ 15 using the Open Wizard (4:28)
Begin Coding (New)
About This Section (1:46)
Create A Project (2:54)
My First Chrome Test (6:28)
My First Firefox Test (4:46)
My First Test Explained (9:03)
Begin Coding Exercise (3:15)
Basic Automation Knowledge
Basic Knowledge Intro and Exercise (2:08)
Basic Knowledge Answered (5:37)
JUnit Intro and Example Explained (13:51)
JUnit 4 vs JUnit 5 (2:03)
How is maven getting the dependencies? (3:46)
Run maven with no 'test' in the class name (3:44)
More JUnit Theory (1:47)
A Quick Look at JUnit's source code (4:12)
Example use of @Before, @BeforeClass, @After and @AfterClass (10:26)
JUnit Exercises Introduction (2:07)
Sample JUnit Answers Explained (12:14)
A little more Hamcrest (5:10)
Notes on Using JUnit 4.11 with Hamcrest
Navigation Introduction - the basic navigation commands (3:22)
Explain the Driver class (3:48)
Navigation Exercises (1:59)
Navigation Exercises Explained - Sample Answers (4:46)
Navigation Discussion (2:53)
IntelliJ Hints And Tips
IntelliJ project pane tips (2:43)
IntelliJ navigation find shortcut keys (2:34)
Getting Started - Final Points
Finding Elements in Google Chrome Dev Tools (1:35)
Finding Elements in Firefox Dev Tools (4:05)
Introduction to Interrogation (1:10)
Driver level Interrogation exercise (1:20)
Driver Level Interrogation Exercise - Sample Answers (10:29)
DOM Element Interrogation Introduction (12:15)
First findElement & By exercise (1:37)
First findElement & By Exercise - Sample Answers (7:29)
findElements Introduction (2:13)
findElements Exercise (1:18)
findElements Exercise - sample answer (5:34)
Chaining findElement and By support classes (9:35)
CSS Selectors
CSS Selectors (17:59)
CSS Selectors Exercise (1:51)
CSS Selectors Exercise - sample answers (6:26)
CSS Selectors - Paths (5:53)
CSS Selector References
XPath Selectors
XPath Introduction (8:22)
XPath Exercise (0:37)
XPath Exercise - Sample Answers (3:50)
Xpath CSS Rosetta Stone Reference (2:21)
Manipulation Introduction (1:51)
How to be overconfident really quickly (11:19)
WebDriver Wait Introduction (5:07)
Manipulation - Exercises
Manipulation Exercises Introduction (2:27)
The Manipulation Exercises List
Manipulation Exercises Sample Answers Introduction (1:38)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question one (6:28)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question two (2:47)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question three (2:22)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question four (4:40)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question five (8:32)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question six (3:52)
Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question seven (3:06)
Manipulation Exercises - Summary and retrospective (4:54)
Manipulation - Select Helper Class and IntelliJ API Exploration
Demo of experimenting with API using IntelliJ Evaluate Functionality (3:46)
Overview of Select Support Class and Exercise (1:59)
Select Support Class Sample Answer (2:42)
User Interactions
User Interactions Introduction and overview (6:09)
User Interactions Demo and code walkthrough (6:36)
User Interactions Exercise Introduction (2:20)
User Interactions Exercise List
User Interactions Exercise Retrospective (5:07)
Make User Interaction More Reliable By Setting Focus to the page (1:25)
Alerts (new)
Alerts Material
Alerts Overview (4:49)
Alerts Exercises Introduction (3:22)
Alerts Exercises Sample Answers (5:22)
Alerts FAQs (5:37)
Alerts Summary (0:58)
Working With Frames
Frames Introduction (4:52)
Frames a Code Introduction (7:32)
Frames Exercise (2:02)
Frames Exercises Answers (12:45)
Frames Exercises Summary Answers (2:18)
Frames Documentation
Working With iFrames
iFrames Introduction (4:07)
iFrames Code Introduction (3:26)
iFrames Exercises (1:30)
iFrames Exercises Answers (10:00)
iFrames Exercises Answers Summary (4:06)
iFrames FAQs (4:50)
iFrames Documentation
Working with Windows
Working With Windows Introduction (4:20)
Windows Code Introduction (7:28)
Windows Exercises (2:05)
Windows Exercises Answers (9:19)
Windows Exercises Summary Answers (2:37)
Windows FAQs (7:18)
Working With Windows Documentation
Managing Windows
Managing Windows Introduction (4:17)
Managing Windows Code Introduction (3:47)
Managing Windows Exercises (1:15)
Windows Exercises Answers (9:47)
Managing With Windows Documentation
Synchronisation Strategies - Introduction
Synchronisation Strategies Overview (1:30)
Exercise: feel the pain (1:25)
Exercise: feel the pain answer (2:56)
WebDriverWait to Save The Day (4:25)
Exercise: Fix the failing test (1:03)
Exercise: ExpectedConditions Answers Code Walkthrough (4:53)
Synchronisation strategies - Expected Conditions
Custom Expected Condition - slides walkthrough (8:35)
Custom Expected Condition - ExpectedConditions code walkthrough (4:10)
Custom Expected Condition - tutorial code walkthrough (10:17)
WebDriverWait ExpectedCondition Code Walkthrough Explanation (6:59)
Waiting Exercises slide (1:44)
Waiting Exercises answers - code walkthrough (4:45)
Synchronisation strategies - Fluent Waits
Using WebDriverWait Fluently overview (2:06)
Using WebDriverWait Fluently code (1:37)
FluentWait Introduction slides (2:51)
FluentWait code based overview (7:01)
FluentWait exercise (1:14)
FluentWait exercise Answers (3:09)
Synchronisation strategies - Implicit vs Explicit and Refactoring
Implicit vs Explicit Wait slides overview (5:12)
Implicit vs Explicit Wait code overview (3:49)
Refactoring WebDriverWait (1:40)
Refactoring WebDriverWait Code (2:42)
Cookies Introduction (2:22)
Cookies Overview (5:23)
Cookies Builder (3:25)
Cookies Warning
Cookies Exercise Overview (1:30)
Cookies Exercise Answers (7:11)
Javascript Introduction (5:58)
Javascript Example with Code Exploration (4:51)
Javascript on the page to view script and console (3:38)
Javascript Exercises (2:59)
Javascript Answers (10:31)
Javascript Async Theory (2:34)
Javascript Async Example Explained and Explored (10:18)
Javascript Async Exercise (1:55)
Javascript Async Exercise Answer (2:44)
Different Browsers
Introduction to using different browsers (3:13)
Adding a Browser Driver to the Path (3:45)
FirefoxDriver Introduction (10:09)
ChromeDriver Introduction (1:49)
ChromeDriver Overview with example code (5:05)
IEDriver Overview with slides (1:28)
IEDriver Overview with code examples (1:25)
IEDriver path configuration Path or Property (2:48)
Microsoft Edge WebDriver Introduction (3:08)
Microsoft Edge WebDriver Code Introduction (3:44)
Try Different Browsers (2:27)
Different Browsers Exercises (1:37)
Headless Browsers
Headless Browsers Introduction
HtmlUnitDriver (4:19)
GhostDriver a quick introduction (5:29)
Headless ChromeDriver
Headless FirefoxDriver
Driver Managers
Driver Manager Approaches Introduction (2:04)
Driver Manager Selenium 2 Basics (6:44)
Selenium Test Code WebDriverBuilder (3:31)
Selenium Simplified Manager (4:55)
Driver Manager Exercise Introduction (1:07)
Driver Manager Exercise Answer (17:22)
Driver Manager Exercise Recap (2:51)
Taking Screenshots
Overview of Taking Screenshots
Overview of the TakesScreenshot Interface (2:01)
Create TakesScreenshot Live Example (11:24)
TakesScreenshot Example Code Overview (2:53)
TakesScreenshot Exercises (2:44)
TakesScreenshot Exercises 1 Capabilities Answers (6:14)
TakesScreenshot Exercises 2 Type Answers (11:21)
TakesScreenshot FAQs and extra docs
Page Objects
Page Objects Introduction (4:09)
Page Objects Refactoring Heuristics (2:35)
Refactoring to Page Objects A Live Example (38:35)
Refactoring to Page Objects the Live Example Summary (5:54)
Refactoring to Page Objects Exercise (1:21)
Defect Explanation for the GUI JavaScript option selection (4:16)
Refactoring to Page Objects Exercise Answers (4:11)
Loadable Component (9:19)
Slow Loadable Component (5:02)
Basics of Page Factory (4:00)
Page Factory Details (5:43)
Module: Continuous Integration
Module Material
Continuous Integration - Basics
Overview of Continuous Integration (4:46)
Overview of CI Project Code (6:20)
Overview of Github Travis CI Process (8:48)
Continuous Integration - Git and Github
About Git (3:37)
Create a Github Account (0:36)
Install Git and Github desktop (1:55)
Create a Project in Git for the CI (6:57)
Exercise Summary (1:07)
Continuous Integration - Travis
Travis CI Overview (1:42)
Create a Travis CI Build (7:12)
.travis.yml file Explained (8:17)
Travis-CI Exercise Summary (1:27)
Continous Integration - Maven and JUnit
Maven Profiles and JUnit Suites for CI (8:16)
Generating a JUnit HTML Execution Report from Maven
Continuous Integration - Jenkins
Jenkins Install (4:29)
Configure Jenkins Plugins and Tools (2:50)
Configure Jenkins Manual Job (2:28)
Continuous Integration - Case Study - In Practice
Introduction to CI In Practice (0:35)
Jenkins Jobs (10:31)
My Continuous Integration setup explained (5:06)
Explaining and examining intermittency (4:59)
Module: Remote WebDriver and Grid
Module Material
Remote WebDriver
Overview of RemoteWebDriver (3:26)
Demo of RemoteWebDriver (5:38)
Remote Grid Pros and Cons (4:45)
Remote WebDriver Grid SAAS Providers
Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid Theory (10:56)
Local Selenium Grid Demo (10:07)
Selenium - Eco-System
Appium - Overview (4:27)
Data Driven Testing
Data Driven Testing Overview (4:14)
Data Driven Testing In Action (3:02)
Data Driven Testing with and Object Array (3:51)
Data Driven Testing with a CSV File (4:09)
Various Production And Experience Tips
IsLoaded Helper Class Approach (4:15)
Some Fluent Page Object Tips (3:29)
End Notes
End Notes (4:17)
Personal End of Course Message (1:37)
Deprecated- Continuous Integration with Git and WebDriver
What is Continuous Integration (3:22)
Example of CI - About the wdci git code project (3:11)
Example of CI - Github code local Jenkins build (2:41)
Example of CI - Github and Travis-ci (3:53)
Secret of CI - Working from command line (6:31)
Download and Run Jenkins (3:41)
Example Initial Run and Config of Jenkins (3:10)
Overview of Installing Git (3:16)
Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with firefox (1:28)
Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with firefox (1:59)
Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with HtmlUnit (0:34)
Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with HtmlUnit (1:46)
Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with a Driver (0:49)
Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with a Driver (3:30)
Exercise - create your own Git repository (2:56)
JUnit Suites and Profiles (5:18)
Exercise - JUnit Suites and Profiles (1:48)
Jenkins Hints - JENKINS_HOME (2:36)
Slides for Continuous Integration with Git
Deprecated - Appium & WebDriver on Android
Why is this section deprecated?
About Appium (2:09)
How to Study This Section (0:52)
Installing Appium (7:57)
Appium Live Run (2:25)
Appium Live Run Changes Made to Driver (3:19)
Results of Appium Live Run
Investigate BasicTestRefactored Test Failure (1:25)
Investigate Cookies Test Failure (7:51)
Investigate User Interactions Test Failure (2:40)
Investigate Data Driven Test Failure (5:22)
About Android Virtual Devices (2:55)
Installing and Creating an Android Virtual Device (6:20)
Appium and AVD (2:25)
Demonstration Running Appium against Browser (2:44)
Appium Exercises (1:10)
Appium Slides and 'transcript'
Deprecated - Driver Manager Changes for Grid
Changing Driver for easier GRID usage (2:38)
Implementing Driver Change for easier GRID usage (3:17)
More Generic grid code in Driver (2:00)
Using the Driver config from the command line (2:18)
Using the Driver config from the IDE (5:01)
Using the Driver config from CI (1:40)
BrowserStack requires Driver changes (1:54)
Driver changes to support BrowserStack (2:31)
IntelliJ Driver config for BrowserStack, SauceLabs and TestingBot (2:34)
Basic setup of a Mac as a grid node (5:16)
Demonstration of ChromeDriver on mac and IE by default (3:39)
Using node.json to Configure a Mac grid node (5:07)
Added the grid config source files into the and repo (0:29)
Alerts (Deprecated)
Alert Overview (2:49)
Alert Exercises Introduction (1:22)
Alert Exercises List
Alert Exercises Retrospective (3:39)
GhostDriver a quick introduction
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